Phobia Finder
Welcome to the Phobia Finder!
Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
Aerophobia (Fear of Flying)
Agoraphobia (Fear of Public Places or Situations)
Aichmophobia (Fear of Sharp Objects)
Ailurophobia (Fear of Cats)
Alektorophobia (Fear of Chickens or Hens)
Algophobia (Fear of Pain)
Amaxophobia (Fear of Driving)
Androphobia (Fear of Men)
Anginophobia (Fear of Chest Pain)
Anthophobia (Fear of Flowers)
Anthropophobia (Fear of People)
Aquaphobia (Fear of Water)
Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)
Arithmophobia (Fear of Numbers)
Astraphobia (Fear of Thunder and Lightning)
Ataxophobia (Fear of Untidiness or Disorder)
Atelophobia (Fear of Imperfection)
Atychiphobia (Fear of Failure)
Autophobia (Fear of Being Alone)
Barophobia (Fear of Gravity)
Bathmophobia (Fear of Stairs)
Bibliophobia (Fear of Books)
Botanophobia (Fear of Plants)
Cacophobia (Fear of Ugliness)
Chionophobia (Fear of Snow)
Chromophobia (Fear of Colors)
Chronophobia (Fear of Time)
Claustrophobia (Fear of Enclosed Spaces)
Coulrophobia (Fear of Clowns)
Cyberphobia (Fear of Computers)
Cynophobia (Fear of Dogs)
Dendrophobia (Fear of Trees)
Dentophobia (Fear of Dentists)
Dystychiphobia (Fear of Accidents)
Eisoptrophobia (Fear of Mirrors)
Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting)
Entomophobia (Fear of Insects)
Ephebiphobia (Fear of Teenagers)
Equinophobia (Fear of Horses)
Gamophobia (Fear of Commitment)
Genuphobia (Fear of Knees)
Haphephobia (Fear of Being Touched)
Iatrophobia (Fear of Doctors)
Koinoniphobia (Fear of Rooms or People in Rooms)
Leukophobia (Fear of the Color White)
Lilapsophobia (Fear of Tornadoes or Hurricanes)
Mageirocophobia (Fear of Cooking)
Megalophobia (Fear of Large Objects)
Melanophobia (Fear of the Color Black or Dark Colors)
Microphobia (Fear of Small Things)
Mysophobia (Germophobia)
Obesophobia (Fear of Gaining Weight)
Octophobia (Fear of the Number 8)
Ombrophobia (Fear of Rain)
Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snakes)
Ornithophobia (Fear of Birds)
Papyrophobia (Fear of Paper)
Pedophobia (Fear of Children)
Philophobia (Fear of Falling in Love)
Phobias (Severe anxiety)
Phobophobia (Fear of Fear)
Podophobia (Fear of Feet)
Pogonophobia (Fear of Beards)
Porphyrophobia (Fear of Purple)
Pteridophobia (Fear of Ferns)
Pyrophobia (Fear of Fire)
Tachophobia (Fear of Speed)
Technophobia (Fear of Technology)
Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)
Tokophobia (Fear of Childbirth)
Trypanophobia (Fear of Needles)
Trypophobia (Fear of Small Holes, Bumps, or Irregular Patterns)
Zoophobia (Fear of Animals)
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